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0-9 Number Practice Printables

Spring Break’s are starting all over the country and for many that means it’s time to forget about school for the week.  No homework.  No studying.

For many it will also mean some time in the car, time with lots of questions and fighting with siblings.  I know that sounds like fun right?  Memories for sure.  For your little ones I encourage you to print off some “homework” for them to work on while in the car.  Let’s face it we all know that if kids enjoy what they are doing they will work longer and take in more of what they are learning.  Worksheets can be a bit boring and monotonous but if I slap a truck or tractor on them we have a winner.  I laminate all of my printables and keep them in three ring binders with a pouch filled with washable markers or crayons.  This makes it easy to wipe off and I can use it multiple times.  If you don’t have a laminator the page protectors work just fine.

The latest printables will help your little ones work on writing and recognizing their numbers 0-9.  I hope you enjoy these 0-9 number practice printables.

practice 0Handwriting1 cropped practice 2 practice 3 practice 4 practice 5 practice 6 practice 7 practice 8 practice 9

Click the pictures above or head to my HERE to download this file for your own use.

**As with all printables on the internet I encourage you to use this and my other printables for your own learning purposes. Share this page with others even but please don’t use my work to make money.**

