Looking for ways to save money? Check out the 16 tips below that will help you save money and keep your finances within your budget. Apply anything that fits your family and lifestyle.
16 Ways To Save Like Super Mom
- Utilize free days to organize a family day out of home. You can benefit from visiting the National Gallery or the National Museum of Decorative Arts and History to make the most out of a day off. For other hot spots to consider, visit http://www.visitbritain.com/en/Cheap-and-free-Britain/.
- Don’t forget your membership or loyalty cards at home. Ever. Keep them in your wallet to have them ready to use anytime you happen to have an unplanned haircut, or do some grocery shopping.
- Save your 3D glasses in a handy place at home so you can use them anytime you go to the cinema.
- Don’t forget about the local library. Your kids will love it and you will get to save some money on books.
- Get a subscription for the whole year to visit one hot spot that you can easily reach from home. It will become your first option when deciding to have some out of home activity. The more you go, the less per visit you pay.
- Get rid of baby stuff you no longer use and get some money out of them by selling them on-line or in garage sales.
- Breastfeed (for as long as you can). Buying formula will cost you money. Use this option while you still can.
- Set up a budget and never overpass it. You can use a budget calculator to track up all your expenses and estimate where you spend most of your money.
- You can babysit for others and ask them to babysit for you. This way you will be able to go out from time to time and socialize while having someone you trust babysit your child for free.
- Never buy groceries without planning what you actually need ahead. If you go to the store and buy things randomly you will end up having to do groceries again after just a couple of days and also end up with lots of wasted food because it’s gone bad. Plan your meals and buy only the ingredients needed.
- Swap with other moms. Everyone is in need of something that other people have. This will save you from spending for new clothes or toys when you can get some for free, getting also rid of the ones you no longer use.
- Freezeing is the new rule. Try to cook in big quantities. This will help you save in electricity or gas. Serve what you need and keep the other quantity in the freezer. Try also to serve portions at a healthy size. It will avoid risking obesity and also have less waste of food.
- Be a super cool mom and throw a great birthday party to your child. It doesn’t need to be expansive to be fun. You can keep it in a low budget by trying to be creative and prepare decoration, cakes and candies by yourself, at home. You can also ask your friends to help with entertaining (if they play an instrument or have another skill) or in organizing games.
- If someone gives you money for your child, do not go running to the toy store. Keep it in a piggy bank or saving account for them, as they will definitely see something they like so much or even better, save them for a new guitar or tennis lessons. Toys get destroyed and kids have always so many of them.
- Have a picnic and bring your own food. Ask your kids what they’d like to have while being on a picnic. You can prepare sandwiches and snacks, throw some sliced fresh fruits or nuts in the basket. You can also try to make your own fruit juices and lemonades. This way you will have a healthy and not expensive day at the park.
- Visit free stuff sites. There are many sites out there that provide freebies for you and your child, sites like WOW FreeStuff, and Latest FreeStuff, which offer many freebies.
Christina Aliperti
9 years agoI still go to the library weekly and take my son or nieces with me. It saves us a lot since they now have games and movies to borrow.
Star Traci
9 years agoThose are great suggestions. We bought a membership to a museum that offered us free entrance to over 100 other museums. It has saved us so much. And yes to watching that budget and keeping up with the loyalty cards.
You’re a supermom!
9 years agoI’m always looking to save money, especially during the holidays. These are some great tips for doing so.
Liz Mays
9 years agoMy kids were voracious readers, so I saved soooo much money by visiting the library. They loved it there! I agree about planning groceries out in advance too.
9 years ago AUTHORIt’s a great way to save. My parents saved a ton by using the library and I currently do for my reading habit as well!
9 years agoI am all about saving money! We try to do free kid activities on the weekend so we don’t spend any money
9 years ago AUTHORWe try to do the ones available in our area as well. Huge savings are available usually if you look for the free activities.
Sarah Bailey
9 years agoWhat some absolutely fantastic ideas. It is amazing the things you can do for free when you know where to look. x
Saidah Washington
9 years agoGoing to the library as a family was one of our weekly activities and a great way to save money yet have fun
9 years ago AUTHORThe library is such a great resource for books and movies.
Sarah Bailey
9 years agoI had forgotten how much I used to love going to the library till I read this – oh the memories. x
9 years agoI am all about saving money. The tips you shared are very practical and easy to follow.
Eileen Kelly
9 years agoWell who would not be saving money. Your tips are great . I am a stickler for saving money
Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
9 years agoI like the idea of swapping with other moms. I formula fed my kids and it was definitely not cheap.
9 years ago AUTHORMy first 2 had formula from a few months old and that certainly added up!