“Adornment is never anything except a reflection of the heart.” Coco Chanel
Meet Etsy store owner Lee from Rock Stone Treasures.
1. Where are you from and tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a New York City native and now live in New Jersey with my husband and my twelve-year old son. Professionally, I’m a freelance public relations consultant and do a lot of writing and consultation for corporate clients. A few years ago I took a jewelry making class and was completely hooked. I’ve had other creative outlets before, but this has developed into a real passion that keeps getting stronger. I try and work on a design everyday and I’m still amazed at how much I enjoy the process. It just keeps on getting better.
2. Why did you start your Etsy store?
I started my Etsy store last November but didn’t really get it up and running until about a month ago. It definitely takes awhile to get a following but I’m working on it. I love listing new pieces and try to get up at least four or five pieces a week.
3. When did you make your first piece of jewelry?
A little over two years ago I took a two-hour class in jewelry making. I’d always wanted to make jewelry but never got around to it. In that class I learned stringing basics and ran home to practice making simple earrings and bracelets. I get a real kick out of looking at some of my earliest designs and seeing the progression in my current work.
4. What is your favorite item in your store and why?
That’s a tough one but since I love to work with bold, vivid color, I’d have to say my current favorite is this bracelet : http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id44564304
I’m hoping a really special mom gets it for Mother’s Day. This one is also a favorite: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=43395583
5. Do any of your pieces have a memorable story behind them or what was your first piece sold?
I was wearing a pair of earrings when I met a friend of a friend who loved them and bought them right off of me. I had no idea what to charge so I practically gave them away at next to nothing. But she promoted me to her friends which, led to new orders, so that first transaction really paid off!
6. Where do you get your inspiration for your pieces?
Color is my biggest inspiration; bright, bold, vivid color. I’m always amazed when I discover a color palette that I wouldn’t expect to work but somehow look beautiful together. I’m also a gardener and put flower pots together with the brightest colors I can find, mix them all up, and they look great. It’s the same way I make my jewelry.
7. Do you have plans for expansion?
I’m working with a friend on a fun jewelry line for “tweens” that will feature a lot of peace symbols and inspiration sayings. the designs are simple and colorful and will incorporate decoupage, which is another one of my hobbies. They’re lots of fun to wear and we’ll be starting a new Etsy shop for those very soon.
8. Any other sites you can be found on?
I recently started a blog at www.rockstonetreasures.blogspot.com and will probably start my own website later this year in time for the holidays.
9. Anything else you would like us to know?

Rock Stone Treasures is adding four to five pieces a week to her store so check often to find the perfect gift for somebody in your life. Remember Mothers Day is coming up very soon!