The joke is just for humor. Really has nothing to do with the post. Enjoy! |
Oh the day has come that we have placed both boys in daycare two days a week so that I can have time to myself and to get some things done in the house. I know I am spoiled rotten that I am able to do this and very fortunate. I have always known how fortunate I am that I have a husband who goes to work everyday without complaint (ok that’s pushing it) to make sure that I can stay home with the kids until they go to school. This I realize is something many mom’s don’t even get the option of considering (I know those who would kill their kids if they spent all day with them).
I can’t say all this actually hit me real hard until today how fortunate I truly am. Last week in MOPS some of us girls with young boys were asked if we had any 3T clothes to spare as there was a family in our own MOPS group that could really use them. I having a three year old was asked and knew that mine were already on loan was able to say no and sorry. Them being on loan was a blessing because truly I couldn’t have given them up anyway…I know sounds horrible. I am very sentimental and would have been heartbroken knowing Corbin wouldn’t have worn some of the same outfits that Coulter had. This sounds even worse….I know.
However, mom and I hit a really good sale at Osh Kosh and Carter’s and I was able to pick up a few things in my budget in 3T. Mom didn’t like the coat that I had packed for Corbin when the boys went for a visit last week and happened to be out yardsaling and found a stock pile of clothes for a great price and I called her back and let her know what my budget was and that I would reimburse her for some more items.
Then today I am using my time wisely (that meant no blogging, can you tell) and cleaning out the boys closet. I just couldn’t believe the amount of clothes that we have stockpiled just waiting to be used, all with tags still attached. I say with tags attached because this doesn’t include the 14 totes of clothes I have in storage (remember my oldest is only 3) or the 3 totes of 3T’s that April’s guy is using (part of the clothes are actually hers but we play the share game well). This really just helped drive home how lucky I truly am because here is a family that I know that can’t (for whatever reason) afford to purchase clothes for one of her children and here I am with clothes coming out my ears (thank you mom and mother in law). It’s moments like these that I am grateful for the path my life has went down. The path that lets me be happy that I don’t have to feel guilty for not wanting to share my clothes with a stranger because they are already being used (ok I know I am rationalizing now). It doesn’t sound any better two paragraphs down either does it 🙂 All right I am not really sure of the whole point of this story or why I feel the urge to let you all know but I did and not sure how to finish it either so have a splendid afternoon!
Mckinley Carew
13 years ago“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” ~ Lao Tzu