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Intrigue Series

Intrigue Series

Anasaz Intrigue
when Julia Evans an investigative reporter for the Dixie Chronicle stumbles across a pond of dead fish, followed by dead cats and a skunk she’s determined to find the reason behind these deaths. Add a stranger with yellow teeth and Anasazi sites being destroyed and artifacts being stolen combines for an interesting story of suspense and adventures. Join Julia and her husband John as they follow numerous clues to find the truth.

I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful, easy to read adventures, a great book to relax with. John and Julie’s are characters who have a great sense of humor that is appealing and love the story shows how strong their love is. Mostly the amazing Anasazi history was a big bonus. 

Mayan Intrigue

On assignment/vacation in Yucatan Peninsula Julia Evans takes an early morning walk and finds herself and husband John deeply involved in a strange journey. Followed by two unknown men and lost in the jungle with wild animals leads to a thrilling tail with outstanding Mayan history mixed in.

I loved joining Julia and John on this assignment/vacation.

The old fashioned values and romance intertwined with the suspense and adventure made for a nice escape from everyday life. This book is a “feel good” read. The best again is the Mayan history (a true favorite of mine), great book.

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  • Linda Weaver Clarke

    Thank you, Brandy, for such a wonderful review. I really appreciate it. I'm so glad that you enjoyed my books.

    Linda Weaver Clarke