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Paper Snowflakes – Great For The Little Ones

You can get directions from a lot of different places. Here are some basic ones with a circle but can be adapted the same principle applies to a square.  We used our paper that we finger painted on the other day to get us some color in our snowflakes.  White or colored construction paper works wonders.  🙂

1. Take a piece of  paper and draw a circle on it lightly with lead pencil. Using a bowl or Quaker oatmeal lid is a pretty good size.  I actually just eyeballed it and got it close.  Remember I am doing this with a three year old so perfection is not on the top of the list. Cut out carefully with a pair of scissors.

2. Fold the circle in half three times until it resembles a wedge of cake.
3. Using small, sharp scissors, cut out shapes from your circle.  You are going to want to make sure your cuts go through all the layers of the a paper so that you can get a mirrored image in the end.
5. Unfold the paper and watch it a delicate snowflake appear.

6. The snowflake is now complete and can be hung from the ceiling, displayed on a window or glued to construction paper.

