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How I Organize School Papers


How I organize school papers

There’s nothing crazier than pulling school papers out of the kids’ backpacks and you’re not sure of what to do with them. I actually have a system in place that requires a little bit of work but the payoff is great.

Every night I pull the papers out of the kids’ backpacks and everything goes to a place called “the family command center.” It took me a while to figure out how to organize school papers, but I think this system really works.

#1. I keep one major craft a week.

The boys are always bringing home crafts and fun things they made at school. I try to keep one major craft a week for their “folders.” Even if I only keep one a week that’s still over 30 major crafts I store a year. I’ll eventually need to get that number down too.

#2. Junk papers go right away.

I hate nothing more than junk papers that get sent home every day in my kids’ folders. I trash these right away. I know I should probably keep some of them because they house important information, but I just don’t have room in my home for any junk papers.

#3. Important papers with important dates go on the bulletin board.

There are a few papers that come home each week that have important dates on them. I automatically pin those up on my bulletin board at home. I like to call it my “in real life” Pinterest board, only this one is full of important dates.

I think the important part of organizing school papers is just doing it on a daily basis. There’s no secret trick to organization, but actually DOING it.

Do you have any specific tricks for organizing school papers? I’d love to hear them.

