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Phone Dump Friday – Swim Lessons 101

Welcome to Phone Dump Friday.  I will be “dumping” my phone each Friday (or so I hope!) to give you a closer look into my crazy life with my two boys.

Swim Lessons 101

PS… Check out more Phone Dump Friday’s to learn more about my family.





  • Jennifer Young

    Very cute! We haven’t tried swim lessons yet, but I’d love to! I just signed my 3 year old up for gymnastics, beach volleyball classes, and soccer classes this summer, so our schedule is kind of full, lol. She’s in ballet right now and loves it.

    • Brandy

      Wow your daughter is busy! We do the swim lessons because they both love it, but also because not a lot is offered for their age group yet.

  • Jenny K

    I totally need to put my son in swim lessons. He’s very afraid of the water.

  • These are just darling! He is so cute

    • Brandy

      Thank you Mary!

  • tazim

    It’s true that we can miss out on a lot in our family’s lives with the distraction of cell phone. So great to read about your series.

    • Brandy

      It’s almost a compulsion for me that I might miss something in “blogland” if I am not checking it constantly. I am getting better and my kids like me more 🙂

  • Isra {TheFrugalette}

    I’ve been trying to do tech-free on Sundays and it is so freeing to “allow” myself a day off!

    • Brandy

      I love trying to go tech free on the weekends. In the past I felt like I couldn’t miss anything, but now I am making sure I don’t miss anything going on with my family. It really is a relief.

  • Karen

    Your boys are precious!

    • Brandy

      Thank you Karen! They truly are something special.

  • Heather M

    I love this series! It’s not the phone I have an issue with, it’s the computer!!

  • Emily

    Swimming lessons look like their going great! Looking forward to seeing more. (And, I need to start dumping my photos too…I’m afraid to look at the number of pictures on it!)

  • Dawn

    Good luck with dumping your phone! I know that can be quite tough!
