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As a woman personally affected by Rheumatoid Arthritis, I’m always looking for current information about the condition and ways to improve the quality of my life. The Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center has quickly become one of my favorite resources for such information. In addition to providing basic facts about Rheumatoid Arthritis, such as RA diagnoses, treatments, and prognoses, also offers dozens of relevant articles about living with the condition, approaching Rheumatoid Arthritis holistically, and even offers link to stories written by other RA patients.
Like many people living with chronic pain, one of the toughest parts about having Rheumatoid Arthritis for me is feeling alone and afraid. Friends and family without the disease don’t always understand the challenges of hurting all of the time, and trying to cope with everything is sometimes very difficult. The Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center on has been an amazing companion during my journey to better health. Geared specifically towards women, has answers for pretty much any health question I’ve had. Through it, I’ve found solace in’s RA Patient Stories, valuable information in’s RA Resources pages, and peace with myself and my disease.
My personal favorite parts of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center are the links to Alternative Therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis. In my experience, I’ve found that traditional medicines to treat RA tend to make me feel almost as bad as the condition itself. Because RA is an auto-immune disorder, most conventional treatments involve suppressing the immune responses that cause the inflammation. Unfortunately, that also means suppressing the actual immune system, which has the effect of making me feel pretty crummy – so I tend to gravitate towards less invasive treatments such as acupuncture and massage therapies. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that covers alternative therapies for RA and most other woman’s health issues.
In fact,’s versatility is probably the best part of the site, at least for me. It doesn’t only deal with RA or other chronic conditions. provides medical information, tips and advice that are all written by professional health writers, experts and physicians. Visit for useful information on Rheumatoid Arthritis and other prevalent medical conditions related to women’s health.
Lifescript’s Rheumatoid Arthritis Health Center features tips, quizzes, recipes and articles – all by professional health writers, experts and physicians – covering common RA symptoms, foods that compose an anti-inflammatory diet, new RA therapies and more. Please visit the Lifescript Health Center on Rheumatoid Arthritis for more information.
Want to find more posts relating to rheumatoid arthritis? Then be sure you do not miss these articles:
Healthy Weight Loss With Rheumatoid Arthritis
Top Lifestyle Tips for Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis Quiz: What’s Your Inflammation IQ?
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12 years agoMy grandmother has rheumatoid arthritis and often struggles to do simple tasks due to her joint pain. It is quite an unpleasant ailment. I was reviewing supplements for arthritis to help my grandmother and read that shark cartilage was good for those who had joint pain. I decided to try this product called Bell Shark Cartilage to help her with her arthritis. The capsules were quite big and she had to take it a lot during the day, but after 1 week of using it, she said that it really helped her a lot and eased her pain. I recommend those struggling with arthritis to use this product
Sherryl Wilson
12 years agoThanks for the information.. I too have RA and know the struggles.
12 years agoLots of great info! I have family with Rheumatoid arthritis. I will pass this along