About Disney’s Frozen Movie
“Frozen” introduces a new Disney princess, Anna the Ice Princess, joining such familiar Disney characters as Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Mystical trolls, sub-zero surroundings and charming snowmen and reindeer all contribute to the adventure, which involves Anna (Ms. Bell) enlisting a gruff, rugged mountain man to assist her in locating and rescuing her sister Elsa, who’s unintentionally trapped the Kingdom of Arendelle in wintry, blustery conditions. Time is obviously of the essence in a race to save not only Elsa, but also the helpless citizens of the frozen Kingdom.
5 Free Frozen Movie Printables
After taking Coulter to his first movie theater experience I am itching to take him again. Disney’s frozen will be on our list to see. It looks hilarious from an adult stand point and Coulter is finally old enough to really understand these movies. It’s about time we have moved past the 15 minute cartoon episodes with one of our kids. Thank you to Disney for supplying me with these 5 Free Frozen Movie Printables to pass on to you.
Enjoy the three mazes provided and I suggest laminating them to be used multiple times. I do this with all of my printables and ave even purchased a binder so that I can turn any of them into little books. They work great to take in the car for long car trips which we do plenty of. The page binder that I purchased lets you open the binding to remove or add pages as needed.
Click the pictures above for the desired printable to start your own download or click the links below.
Frozen Movie Olaf Cutout
Frozen Movie Memory Card Game (6 pages)
Frozen Movie Princess Maze
Frozen Movie Maze
Frozen Movie Reindeer Maze
Love printables as much as I do? Check out my other free printables for learning, cupcake toppers, treat bag toppers and more.
11 years agoHEY,
Do you happen to have the files for these saved? The aren’t clickable. My daughter has a party July 12th and I’d really like.to use them.