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Printable Learning Space Mat for Learning to Count

There are many ways you can work to teach kids how to count. Creating your own homeschool curriculum that teaches kids how to count in a creative way encourages your child to enjoy counting as well as numbers. While you can use many props and ideas for homeschool counting techniques, today I’m featuring a learning space mat printable that will assist in helping you teach your kids all about numbers and counting.

Image with Space Mats in big letters and an astronaut with planets on a dark blue background.

The most important part of educating your child in a homeschool environment is to make it fun, creative and engaging for your children. Whether you grab some cheerios or pom poms and use this space mat printable as a laminated placemat for kids to put their props on.

You can print this space mat on card stock to make it sturdier or use a laminating machine to keep the placemat in good shape while your kids line up cereal or pom poms and other supplies to learn how to count. You can easily go beyond just simple counting exercises by using this learning space mat printable for homeschool math lessons.

Why is learning to count important?

Learning to count isn’t really a math skill, the ability to count is more about memorizing the order in which we say numbers. This is called counting. Using the space mat printable and supplies for assistance, you can work to help your child memorize numbers in the order that they’re supposed to go in.

Learning to count is important because it teaches a child the number representation of objects. Through the use of props and this placemat printable, your child will begin to understand the concept of counting and in turn, be able to put counting to use in their real-life experiences. So overall, learning to count is important as it’s a skill that everyone uses in their everyday life experiences from counting their buttons to counting their money. Counting is the beginning step towards learning and mastering mathematics.

Image with Space Mats in big letters and an astronaut with planets on a dark blue background.

Clever Ways to Teach Kids to Count

Now that you have this printable to use as part of your homeschool counting curriculum, you’ll be able to start using other methods to teach your child to count. Here are some clever ways to teach kids to count during their everyday activities:

  • Count the buttons on their shirt.
  • Count the number of napkins at the table.
  • Count the number of cups or plates at dinner time.
  • Count how many books are on their shelf.
  • Count how many spoons are in the kitchen drawer.

There are many ways to work towards helping your child learn how to count. The more creative you get with ideas, the higher the chance your child will start to count better using their memory skills. As your child masters their counting skills, they’ll start to feel confident in moving forward to learn math skills as you work to help them count steadily on a regular basis.

Learning Space Themed Printable Number Mats

Click the pictures above or the links below to start your free space themed number mat download.

Space Themed Free Number Printables

**I hope you enjoy these space themed printable numbers for your own household or kids and their learning. As with all printables on the internet I encourage you to use these printable number activity pages for your own household or learning purposes. Share this page with others even, but please don’t use my work to make money.**


