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Moms’ Night Out Review

I received a free copy of Moms’ Night Out to facilitate this review.


Moms' Night Out

About Moms’ Night Out Movie

All Allyson and her friends want is a peaceful, grown-up evening of dinner and fun – a long-needed moms’ night out. But in order to enjoy high heels, adult conversation, and food not served in a paper bag, they need their husbands to watch the kids for three hours —what could go wrong?

My Thoughts On Moms’ Night Out

With Moms’ Night Out star cast I was excited when I was chosen by Family Christian Network to receive a free copy for review.  The story line intrigued me and as I could put faces to names of some of the cast members this was a bonus for me.  Living as far out as we do I don’t make it to the movies often nor do we have any type of movie subscription or channel.  By the time I see movies they are often on the classic channel.  Scary!

I could relate to Allyson’s life about being pulled in different directions and really needing a night out.  As parents we all often need this night and for some it doesn’t happen enough.  I could relate to Allyson in terms of being neurotic over the messes and angry as heck about stick figures on the wall, yet not wanting to paint over them.  This is something that I would feel extremely guilty about! 

I could also relate to needing an evening out.  Girls’ nights are posted on facebook among friends and they are generally widely attended.  This is where my relation to the video ended.  With my generation I think the past fear of “What Could Go Wrong” when the kids stay with daddy is on it’s way out.  My husband keeps our kids for me a lot!  I can feel confident that when I head out for a girls’ night the kids will be fed (maybe not what I wish, but they are fed), homework is taken care of, nobody drowned in the bathtub and they are in bed on time.  In all honesty I am the pushover in the house.  Our girls’ nights are so widely attended because like me most of my friends husbands are the same.  Is this a generational thing or do I just gravitate towards households like this I can’t say for 100%.

Moms' Night Out

Just because I couldn’t relate to the whole movie doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it.  Like I said I am not a movie buff but do enjoy watching a good comedy once in awhile.  While watching Moms’ Night Out I could imagine my parents and my mom’s thoughts of leaving my brother and I with my dad.  I could easily see his evening going like this.  What I enjoyed the most though?  I was able to enjoy a movie with my family not filled with sex and language.  My boys didn’t really understand and lost interest quickly (what did I expect at 6 & 4) but it was great knowing I didn’t have to worry!  I didn’t have to send them to their rooms, upstairs or outside while I watched a movie.  I also didn’t have to spend my quiet hours after they went to bed watching Moms’ Night Out.  Huge bonus for me!

Have you watched Moms’ Night Out?  Can head out for an evening and know your kids are left in good hands with their father?




  • Tara

    Ohhh, I am going to see this. I knew that Sarah Drew and Patricia Heaton were in it and I love them both! Looks funny!

  • Janel

    I have heard so many good things about this movie! I’m planning a girls night and we’re going to redbox it!

  • Kathleen Bailey

    I have not heard of this either but it sounds and looks funny! My husband is capable with the kids for sure but he has a harder time sometimes because he isn’t around them as much so he doesn’t know how to prep the food the way the kids like, etc. But he figures it out just fine.

  • I haven’t seen it but now I think I should. I’m absolutely fine with my husband taking care of our daughter. I only have to be careful that they don’t buy unnecessary and expensive gadgets when I’m away đŸ˜›

  • Scott

    We haven’t seen this one (actually hadn’t even heard of it). Fortunately our kids are old enough to trust them to be a home for a night out.