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How to Organize a Pantry Like an Expert

Organizing a pantry might seem like an easy task, but it really takes some hard work. Learning how to organize a pantry is really all about the approach. Check out some of these tips to getting your pantry organized.  When you have finished the pantry it’s time to head into the kids rooms.  Yes I know it sounds scary but with this approach organizing your kids rooms will be done in no time.  

How to Organize a Pantry like an Expert

How To Organize A Pantry Like An Expert

#1. Get Rid of the Old

You can’t have a clean pantry if you don’t get rid of all of the old “junk” in it. Make sure you take the time to get rid of the old, so you can make room for the new. The more you put in your pantry, the more stuff that gets pushed back. Consider eliminating old stuff from your pantry at least once a month.

#2. Utilize Shelving

If you really want to organize your pantry, it’s time to utilize the shelving you already have in your pantry.  Some pantries really don’t have adequate shelving, so you might need to add your own pantry shelving as well.

#3. Remove Everything

Organization is great, but to reach the ultimate organizational level in your pantry, everything needs to be clean. Pull everything out of your pantry, clean the shelves, and then put everything back. Taking everything out is a smart move because you can make sure your pantry is in tip top cleaning shape.

#4. Label Label Label

Labeling specific spots in your pantry is a smart idea. You’ll want to label your pantry however you see fit. If you like your cans next to your boxed foods, then that’s okay. Your pantry has to be functional for you and not anyone else. Labeling is one way to ensure your pantry is organized for years to come. Consider even labeling your fridge after you’ve spent time labeling your pantry.

The more organized your pantry is then the more organized your cooking life will become. Think of how much money you will save as well. An organized pantry means you can see items that you have in stock, and you won’t waste money buying double the items.

How do you organize your pantry?




  • Krista

    These are some really amazing tips….you should come organize mine 🙂 Bring your boys as well! I miss you guys!

  • Ann Marie DelFavero

    I try and reorganize my pantry every six months because by then it desperately needs it. Lol. I try and keep each shelf to a requirement. Like pasta & baking stuff one shelf, snacks on another and cereal has it’s own shelf.

  • Dede

    Have you been peeking in my kitchen? Because I NEEDED this post. Things fall out when I open cabinets!

  • These are all fantastic tips on an important subject! I think the pantry is one of the most important areas in the house so it’s important that it’s all organized and easy to navigate. We need to implement a lot of these tips ourselves!!

  • Patty

    I don’t really have one either just some exposed shelves in my kitchen but I’ve pretty much done as you’ve suggested. It just makes it easier to find everything

  • Katy Rose

    Great post!! I recently did a similar pantry organizing project at home. Pulling everything out I think is so crucial, otherwise you are just working around messes. – Katy

  • I have started to organize my kitchen. It was getting out of hand. Organizing my pantry is a big job. I feel like I need to create a plan of what goes on what shelf but i think I need risers so that I can see the things in the back and they don’t get lost.

  • Shelley Zurek

    I have reorganized my pantry many times over the years but I feel it may be time to take everything out and start again. I know I don’t use everything in there and some stuff needs to go. Other items..well they are there because I Might use them again. LOL

  • Liz

    Great idea. I technically don’t have a pantry in my apt., but I have a shelf where I keep odds and ends, as well as a ton of cupboards :).

  • Allison B

    I have the best intentions when it comes to my pantry but it all falls apart within weeks of me organizing it. Clearly I haven’t found a system that actually works. Also, I have 4 people who don’t follow my system which is a recipe for disaster.