This is a sponsored post on behalf of National Geographic.
Ever wonder why your skin gets wrinkly in water? Or why is my hair straight while my sibling has curly hair? Stay tuned we’ll come back to these….
The last few weeks have been busy here. We have been moving to a new place! So what do you do with a 5 year old while packing, moving and unpacking? Well we got National Geographic Little Kids “First BIG book of WHY” along with “Cutest Animals Sticker activity book” and “Cool Animals Sticker activity book”
We needed something interesting and different to keep his attention while we did a whole lot of running. The sticker books are really neat! Each page has activities to do along with stickers to add. There is literally over 1000 stickers you can add:
He loved that he could put stickers all over the page anywhere he really wanted. It helps him use his imagination (apparently in his world a shark belongs in the sky). I found that I was doing some stickers myself and turning to the next page to see what was coming up next.
The The “First BIG book of WHY” keeps ME intrigued. I find myself reading it even when my son is long since gone to bed.
It keeps his attention for longer than 5 seconds which, lets face it, a feat in itself. I love to read to my son and this book is interesting to read for both of you! It covers a whole lot of different “why” questions. Like why DOES your skin get wrinkly in the water? Because they are less “waterproof” than the rest of your body. I really think this is a page turner, but I have always been interested in the “why’s” of stuff. Then my son reminds me the books are for him 😉 .
So here we go my son in a million boxes sitting there reading and placing stickers in a book.
I highly recommend these books to anyone! They are full of interesting information and LOTs of fun stickers for you your child to use. It is for ages 4-8, but I am MUCH older than that and I loved them.
So why is your hair straight while your siblings hair is curly? Guess you better get the book and find out!!
The books all together cost about $29.00 which is a great deal for how much is packed into these books.
Seyma Shabbir
11 years agoI would love to win this for my 2 sons!
Vikki Billings
11 years agoI would be winning it for my grandson
Teresa Thompson
11 years agoMy granddaughters.
Paula Tavernie
11 years agoFor my grandsons!!
11 years agoEntering to win for my 6 year old niece
11 years agoI would love to win this for my boys
Keely Hostetter
11 years agoMy boys
Terra Heck
12 years agoI’d like to win this for my youngest step-daughter. Thanks.
Jodi Monroy
12 years agoMy 4 kids!
12 years agoI would win this for my daughter
Kim Reid
12 years agoMy grandkids would love this, thanks!
Hannah A
12 years agoId love to win this for my friends kid.
Jennifer Rogers
12 years agoThis would be for my grandkids Layne and Larkyn!
jennifer wexler
12 years agothis would be for my baby
Debby Chandler
12 years agoPopcorners is available in wheat. We love National Geographic books. They are so interesting and educational.
Margot C
12 years agoI don’t know anything about ‘popcorners’, and I’m not sure that was the question that you wanted to ask.
Regarding National Geographic; we love the Little Kids National Geographic that we subscribe to
12 years agoMargot-
You right it has nothing to do with this giveaway. I have swapped out the question and thank you for letting me know that I missed it. Your entry is valid as is. Good luck!