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Unicorn Sentences Printable

Do you want to know one of my favorite things ever in the world growing up? Unicorns! If you know of a kid or student that loves unicorns, then they’re going to love these printable Unicorn Sentences. You may be wondering what these sentences are good for and how you can use them in everyday life with learning.

How to Use Unicorn Sentences

I wanted to give you some ideas for using these unicorn sentences in everyday learning life. Learning is supposed to be fun and not boring. I really think that these sentences will go a long way in helping your students or kids have lots of fun.

Practicing Writing

Writing is supposed to be fun and not boring. Your kiddos can practice their writing, all while using the unicorn as inspiration. I love this printable for the sheer fact that kids who love unicorns will also have fun writing about them.

Homeschool Lesson

A lot of homeschoolers do unit lessons. I feel as though these Unicorn Sentences would be an excellent addition to any homeschool unit lesson. I mean, you can’t go wrong when your child is having fun learning about unicorns. Plus, along the way they’re learning how to read, write, and comprehend. 

Just for Fun

Does the kid in your life love to learn about unicorns? Maybe you want them to do something with that love for unicorns. And they can! Whip out these Unicorn Sentences and let your kiddo go to town. You will be happy they are learning, having fun, and pursuing something they love at the same time. 

Unicorn Party Fun

Are you having a Unicorn party? You may want to whip these sentences out at your next party! The kids can do the sentences and then color the pictures for fun. You’ll be surprised as to what kids are willing to do when they love something like unicorns. 

Grab your free downloadable Unicorn Sentences.  

If you love the structure of this sentence writing printable keep an eye out for more like it in my free subscriber library!

