Know that you know just about everything about choosing, using, and cleaning your food dehydrator, it is important you know how much money it can save you over the long run. Once of the most fun things about owning a food dehydrator (aside from all of the yummy snacks you can make!) is watching the savings add up! If you aren’t convinced yet, below you will find the top ways you are saving money with a food dehydrator!
If you are smart about the foods that you buy to dehydrate, and you use your food dehydrator on a regular basis, you can see a significant amount of savings over time. Who doesn’t love saving money, especially while making tasty foods?
Here are seven ways that investing in a food dehydrator will save you money:
1. Extended shelf life.
A dehydrator is a lifesaver for soon to expire food. Be sure to keep an eye on the items in your fridge and watch for any foods that are about to expire. Then, see if they can be dried out so that they last longer. With less food going to waste, you will really be stretching your grocery and food budget!
2. No more prepackaged snacks.
There are so many foods you can make in your dehydrator that are great for snacking. Beef jerky and dried fruits are two options. Buy these prepackaged and you will spend an arm and a leg. This is a low-cost way to stock up on snacks so you no longer have to buy pricey, prepackaged options.
3. No more expensive herbs and spices
Buying spices already dried in the store can be expensive. It’s a lot better to make your own instead for a fraction of the cost. Not only will you save money but you’ll also know exactly what is in your herbal blends. You can also dry fresh herbs before they have the chance to wilt and die, and use them months later when you need them!
4. You can buy in bulk.
Sometimes the best way to get the lowest price on food is to buy it in bulk. Lucky for you, when you’ve got a food dehydrator you can take these items you bought in bulk and dehydrate them so they last longer. Previously, you may have run the risk of wasting items. You’ll spend less money because you’re buying in bulk as it is, now you can stretch that dollar even further when you dehydrate.
5. You’ll get more out of produce.
Previously if you bought an apple, you can basically eat it fresh, put it in a salad, or bake it in a pie. With a dehydrator, you can make yogurt, fruit peels, fruit snacks, dried apple chips, apple potpourri, and so many other recipes with those apples. You will get so much more bang for your produce buck since there will be a huge variety of ways you can now cook and preserve that apple. Oh, and not only will this save you money but it’s also healthier for you!
6. You will enjoy medical savings.
Dried apples are a lot healthier than candy. Making your own fruit snacks is healthier than the sugary ones at the grocer. By choosing to dehydrate your food for snacks, you can achieve a healthier lifestyle that reduces medical problems over the course of your lifetime. Since health care costs are high, this can mean big savings for people who regularly use their food dehydrators to enjoy healthy eating! Yay for you!
7. When you save space you save money!
When you have dehydrated food, you can store it in containers in your pantry. No need to freeze it. No need to refrigerate it. It won’t be using any other resources when stored. In fact, you can go to your local bakery and ask for their flour/sugar buckets (which are food save) and lids to easily store your dehydrated products in. Are carrots on sale? Buy a ton! No need to worry about freezer space or fridge space. Just chop them and dehydrate them. When you need them for stews or casseroles, just drop them in the broth and you are ready to go!
As you can see, these are seven excellent ways a food dehydrator can save you money. Starting as low as $40.00, a food dehydrator can EASILY pay for itself over time! In most cases, this can be a very short time. There are so many wonderful recipes, crafts, and money saving ways to utilize a food dehydrator that you will always have the chance to try something new.
So what are you waiting for? You now know everything there is to know about the fabulous food dehydrator, and why so many frugal folks are making them a permanent fixture on their kitchen counters.
Hopefully you too will join the food dehydrator club and start making healthy snacks, stretching your food budget, and enjoying a richer life thanks to this wonderful machine!
Don’t Miss The Rest In The Fabulous Food Dehydrator Series
So What Exactly Can You Make?
What is Food Dehydrator All About?
How to Choose a Food Dehydrator
11 years agoWow! I had no idea all the uses for a dehydrator! $40?? Wow that’s not a bad investment at all!
11 years ago AUTHORLaura-
They start around $40 and you can snag a decent starter for that price. I think mine cost about $80 and has been going strong for a few years. It does what I need at this time.
11 years agoI can’t believe how inexpensive they can be! I’ve seen some recipes that use them, and I’ve really been wanting to get one so I can make dried fruit and fruit snacks. Never thought it would be in my price range though.
11 years ago AUTHORErica-
The prices range drastically on them but you can snag a good starter one pretty inexpensively. A fruit snack recipe I recommend once zucchini season comes is to cut up the zucchini in sticks and then sprinkle with kool-aid powder. The kids love it and it’s a way to get them to eat zucchini. Then dry at 135, these can also be done in the oven if you don’t own a dehydrator.