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Secular Homeschooling: Tips to Be Successful

If you’re a homeschooling family that is non-religious and you want to be successful, the good news is that you can be. Homeschooling isn’t just for people of a certain religion, it’s for people of all walks of life. There are many tips you can follow to be successful when it comes to homeschooling for the non-religious person. 

Picture of a school house made of an apple on top of books Secular homeschooling

Find a Homeschooling Group

Thanks to the Internet, you can be a part of a homeschooling group online and offline. Many people find the support they need right online and then it blossoms into friendships. Homeschooling when you’re not religious just means you need to find your posse. You know, find people that accept you for who you are! 

Leave Out the Religious Jargon

Although a lot of religious people homeschool, this doesn’t mean you have to follow their curriculum. If you like the curriculum, but don’t want to deal with the religious part of it, leave it out. This may be hard at first, but you will find success in no time. You’ll be able to pull out bits and pieces of the curriculum without much effort! 

A young girl whispering into a young boys ear.

Do Your Own Thing 

Have you ever wanted to homeschool, but were nervous? The good news is that people of all walks of life homeschool. When you’re a homeschooling family, but not religious, it’s important to do your own thing! You don’t have to read scripture or pray to be home-schooled. You don’t have to follow a certain curriculum. It’s important to understand now that doing your own thing is more than okay. 

Customize that Education

Another reason that you can be successful with homeschooling, even when you’re not religious, is that homeschooling is customizable. It’s not a one size fits all shoe. You will be able to change any part of your homeschooling that’s not working. It sure is nice when you can add things and take things away that just aren’t working for your kid. Of course, you’d never be able to get this with private or public education. 

Two kids working on school work at a table.

Use Your Time Wisely

You can be successful in homeschooling, no matter what walk of life you’re from, by using your time wisely. Time is an important asset in the homeschooling world. I personally love that it takes less time to homeschool, which is awesome. A lot of people choose to homeschool because it affords a better quality of life. Time isn’t always something you can get back, so make sure you use your time wisely when homeschooling. 

Freedom of Homeschooling

I have to add that one more reason to homeschool is the fact that it offers so much freedom. Religious people may homeschool for one reason or another. However, you may choose to homeschool because you love the flexibility it offers. You may choose to homeschool because your child has a learning disability and you feel as though they learn better this way. Another reason to homeschool is that it just fits your lifestyle better. There is a lot of flexibility.

So many people homeschool because it fits their life. You don’t need to be a certain religion or live a certain lifestyle. You’ll soon find your own rhythm and any insecurities you felt about homeschooling will soon diminish. 


