**All opinions are my own.**
In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Living our daily lives, we often forget what it’s like to go without. Sometimes we might worry about whether or not we’ll go without watching our favorite television show or whether we’ll eat hotdogs or spaghetti for dinner tonight. Don’t get me wrong, there are real families out there with real problems, but the majority of us are doing okay.
Rewind ten years…
Ten years ago when I was in high school, I used to visit the small nursing home in my town with my best friend. Every Sunday we’d go and talk to the same residents who were doing the same thing every time we visited. I knew out visits made a difference, but I never truly knew how much. To be honest, their wisdom and visits helped me more than I ever helped them.
Nursing Homes aren’t always sunshine and rainbows…
My very own sister has been working in nursing homes for the past twelve years. You see, she’s not one of those people who just go to work and come home to complain. She puts her heart and soul into the residents in which she serves. If you know anything about working as a C.N.A, you know that it’s not a glamorous job and they often do the grunt work. You see, when you have a nursing home full of 100-150 residents, there’s a lot of dirty work to be done, and someone has to do it. That someone has to have a big heart and soul for community or else they do not last twelve years.
Finally…a chance to give back!
When Family Christian Bookstores let us know that they were looking for a way to give back to the community, I thought of my sister and her line of work. Nursing homes often have very bland soaps because they use whatever is ordered. Unless the family buys special soaps or lotions, bland soaps are on the menu. Again, it’s one of those things that we maybe don’t think about because we have access to all the good smelling stuff we want!
Such an encouraging gift…!
My sister and I had no idea what we were going to purchase for the nursing home. WE WERE SO EXCITED TO SEE that Family Christian Bookstores carries a line of soaps and lotions. The best part is that the soaps and lotions have bible verses written on them, so anyone who comes across the products can be encouraged!
Due to HIPPA laws, we can’t share pictures of the Nursing Home residents, but here are some of my sister’s faithful employees helping to deliver the goodies! We’re thankful for a chance to give back to a community of elderly who are often forgotten about. I challenge you to take some time this year to visit one of your local nursing homes. You are always more blessed in return! Thanks to the way the lotions and body washes were packaged, we blessed over 30 people with new bath products!