Welcome to Phone Dump Friday. I will be “dumping” my phone each Friday (or so I hope!) to give you a closer look into my crazy life with my two boys.
Precious Moments To Remember
My MIL is an amazing seamstress and often makes the boys clothes. Their favorite thing from her? Matching jammies of course. Comfortable and something that you spend a lot of your life in. She made these matching jammies for them months ago and even though Coulter’s are getting small…ok they are a long ways from getting and ARE small he just won’t give them up. As a matter of fact he dug them out of the to small clothes bin to have the same ones as Corbin.
They did get new jammies for Christmas but the oldies are the favorite still and I snuck this photo in. Brothers. Now if only they will still like each other this much when they are 15 & 13. Oh a girl can dream right?
PS… Check out more Phone Dump Friday’s to learn more about my family.
PPS… Click on the photo below to see who else is participating this week with Giveaway Blogdom, Give Me Your Best Shot and With My Chaos, My Bliss.

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli