Working from home? Home security should be the last thing that you worry about. Unfortunately, a single burglary happens every 13 seconds in the United States, according to data from the FBI and reported by the online safety resource WAHM can take action to keep what matters most safe. And…
The fact that schools don’t teach children about money lessons is surprising- money plays such a big role in our lives. Teaching growing children the right financial lessons can really help shape them into adults that are wise and make smart money decisions. And guess what- you, as a parent,…
Cherry Almond Oatmeal Cookies
How to Dehydrate Pineapple
Teaching kids to learn how to write their ABC’s is another important part of homeschooling. Many parents will start to teach their kids the ABC’s long before they enter a public school or homeschool curriculum. Today I’m sharing some of my favorite ABC picture books and A-Z alphabet tracing worksheets…
Free Blank Doodle Notebooking Pages
Cream Cheese Toffee Fruit Dip
Homeschooling, much like public schooling often has to be done on a budget. As homeschoolers, our budget is often pretty small. However, a small budget doesn’t have to stop our kids from enjoying fun and educational field trips! Here are some homeschool field trips that you can take for free!…
Cinnamon Roll Body Scrub Recipe
Homeschoolers enjoy using writing prompts as a means to encourage their children to learn language arts. With writing prompts, such as these dinosaur writing prompts, your child can easily learn new words, how to use them plus some grammar skills in between. As you work to find new ways to…
Family Movie Night- The Jungle Book
Setting aside a once or twice a month movie night for your entire family to enjoy together is fun, builds a close bond, and opens the door for deep discussions on developing character and other real life situations. Whether your favorite is the classic animated version or the new high-tech…